Tag Archives: high

Stoned Ohio man calls cops because he’s too high, is found groaning on floor surrounded by Doritos, cookies, other snacks


Stoned Ohio man calls cops because he’s too high, is found groaning on floor surrounded by Doritos, cookies, other snacks

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THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 3:50 PM A A A

The 22-year-old man called cops after smoking too much pot, telling police he couldn’t feel his hands.
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Police in Ohio say they were called to a house by a man who complained he’d gotten too high smoking marijuana.

The Youngstown Vindicator reports that Austintown Township police on Friday found the 22-year-old man curled in a fetal position on the floor, groaning and surrounded by snacks that included Doritos, Goldfish crackers and Chips Ahoy cookies.

The newspaper reports that the man told officers he couldn’t feel his hands.

PreviousNextMmmmmm…..CHIPS! And cookies — so many cookies! Exported.; Enlarge

Officers found a glass jar of marijuana and paraphernalia in the man’s car after he gave them his keys. The man refused medical treatment and so far has not been charged with a crime.

The John Hancock Center in Chicago has installed a new observation platform on the 94th floor, and it’s not for the faint-hearted.

The John Hancock Center in Chicago has installed a new observation platform on the 94th floor, and it’s not for the faint-hearted.


. The John Hancock Center in Chicago has installed a new observation platform on the 94th floor, and it’s not for the faint-hearted.

Chicago Tribune / Via youtube.com

2. Called TILT, the attraction uses hydraulic lifts to move the full-length windows forward at a 33-degree angle so people can get a proper bird’s eye view of the city 1,000ft below.

3. The tilting windows have metal bars on each side, which you grab hold of as the glass begins to move outwards.

4. TILT opens to the public this weekend and will cost $5 plus the admission to the observatory.

Eight people will be able to lean against the glass at one time.

5. Nichole Williamson, the general manager of 360 Chicago, the new name for the old John Hancock Observatory, said:


The movement in and out of the building is very controlled. We want it to be memorable and thrilling, but we don’t want to terrify anybody.

6. Alia Kingsbury, who visited the attraction on a school trip, told AP she was just happy she didn’t wet herself.

Chicago Tribune / Via youtube.com

Find out more about TILT here.

11 US Presidents Who Smoked Marijuana

11 US Presidents Who Smoked Marijuana

11 US Presidents Who Smoked Marijuana from High Times Magazine


imagesAH2ZCYS4By Russ Belville · Mon Feb 17, 2014

While we’re really sure about the last three presidents’ history of pot smoking, the historical record is unclear about some of the rest. Here’s a Presidents Day look at the tokers and anti-tokers in the White House.

YES #44 – Barack Obama: The current president wrote about his cocaine and marijuana use as a youth in Hawaii and famously said, “When I was a kid, I inhaled, frequently. That was the point,” when running for president in 2008.

YES #43 – George W. Bush: Dubya was known as a cocaine user in his younger days, but he would never respond to questions about his marijuana use. Later, he told his biographer, Douglas Wead (yes, pronounced like “weed”), “I wouldn’t answer the marijuana questions. You know why? Because I don’t want some little kid doing what I tried.”

YES #42 – Bill Clinton: Slick Willie famously said, “When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn’t like it. I didn’t inhale and never tried it again,” when asked about his marijuana use. In true Clintonian fashion, he may have been telling the truth. The late Christopher Hitchens, who attended Oxford with Clinton, said Bill had an affinity for pot brownies, so he may not have ever tried “it” (inhaling) ever again.

NO #41 – George H. W. Bush: It’s probably safe to say Poppy Bush never touched a reefer. He is the president who brought us the Drug Czar’s office and closed off the experimental federal medical marijuana program when AIDS victims started applying en masse. On the “scourge” of drugs, Bush specifically called for “intolerance” of drug users and prophetically announced that “Some think there won’t be room for them in jail. We’ll make room.”

NO #40 – Ronald Reagan: Given that he died from Alzheimer’s disease, it is a shame the Gipper wasn’t able to embrace the cannabis medicine that could have protected his brain. Not that he would have used it, since Reagan told us, “I now have absolute proof that smoking even one marijuana cigarette is equal in brain damage to being on Bikini Island during an H-bomb blast.”

NO, BUT… #39 – Jimmy Carter: Jimmy Carter says he’s never smoked pot, but there’s no doubt his son Chip did on the roof of the White House with Willie Nelson. Still, Carter was the most progressive president on pot in the War on Drugs era, telling Congress, “I support legislation amending Federal law to eliminate all Federal criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana.”

NO #37 – Richard Nixon: Tricky Dick is the one who brought us this War on Drugs in the first place. The Nixon Tapes are replete with Nixon’s mix of irrational hatred of marijuana and non-white races and ethnicities, with quotes like, “I want a Goddamn strong statement on marijuana, I mean one that just tears the ass out of them. You know, it’s a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish.”

YES #35 – John F. Kennedy: JFK used marijuana to deal with severe back pain, according to a few written accounts, including “John F. Kennedy: A Biography”, which described this White House scene: “On the evening of July 16, 1962, according to [Washington Post executive] Jim Truitt, Kennedy and Mary Meyer smoked marijuana together. … The president smoked three of the six joints Mary brought to him. At first he felt no effects. Then he closed his eyes and refused a fourth joint. ‘Suppose the Russians did something now,’ he said.”

From President #17 Andrew Johnson to President #34 Dwight Eisenhower, we have almost nothing in the way of historical record of presidents smoking pot. Pre-Civil War America was a land of hemp farmers and slaves who could commonly roll up some hemp leaf as a smoke. Post-Civil War America heralded the development of pre-rolled tobacco cigarettes and prejudice against the Mexican immigrants who smoked “marihuana”. Cannabis was becoming a patent medicine, so perhaps some presidents used it in that fashion. But by the turn of the 20th century, the temperance movement was in full swing and states were beginning to prohibit cannabis. Pot smoking is not likely to be something the late 19th and early 20th century presidents wanted recorded for posterity, if they did it at all.

NO #16 – Abraham Lincoln: The internet abounds with people claiming Honest Abe loved “a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica.” Hohner didn’t make harmonicas until two years after the alleged quote and didn’t export them to America from Germany until 1868, four years after Abe’s assassination. Also, that oft-cited “Prohibition… goes beyond the bound of reason…” Lincoln quote? It’s a fake, written by a former mayor of Atlanta in 1922 to court black voters to oppose alcohol prohibition. That doesn’t necessarily mean Lincoln didn’t partake; we just have no proof that he did.

YES #14 – Franklin Pierce: One of three military men to become president who enjoyed smoking marijuana with the troops fighting the Mexican-American War. In a letter to his family, Pierce wrote that marijuana smoking was “about the only good thing” about the war.

YES #12 – Zachary Taylor: Another of the three military men who smoked marijuana with the troops.

YES #7 – Andrew Jackson: Third of the three military men whose letters referred to smoking marijuana with the troops.

YES #5 – James Monroe: Openly smoked hashish while he was Ambassador to France and continued smoking it until his death at age 73.

YES #4 – James Madison: The “Father of the Constitution” claimed that hemp gave him the insight to create a new democratic nation.

YES #3 – Thomas Jefferson: In addition to farming hemp, Jefferson was Ambassador to France during the hashish era there. At risk of imprisonment if caught, Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China known for their potency to America. However, as far as our research takes us, he never said or wrote, “Some of my finest hours have been spent sitting on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see.”

YES #1 – George Washington: The father of our country kept meticulous diaries, wherein he noted “Sowed hemp at muddy hole by swamp” away from the hemp he grew for fiber. “Began to separate the male from female plants at do [sic –rather too late” and “Pulling up the (male) hemp. Was too late for the blossom hemp by three weeks or a month” indicates he was going for female plants with higher THC content. There is also indication he used hemp preparations to deal with his toothaches.

“Radical” Russ Belville is the host of “The Russ Belville Show.”





The Amazing Banana Hoax

August 21, 2013  by Leave a Comment


This is probably the most ridiculous stories and the most clever hoaxes I’ve ever heard of. It was originally published by the Berkeley Barb in March 1967. The article claimed that there is a substance called “Banandine” which was supposed to be extracted from banana peels! You can read more about “the substance” here.


Former boxer makes startling admission in autobiography to throw spotlight on drugs cheats


FORMER world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson has admitted that he used a fake penis filled with uncontaminated urine to avoid drugs testers during his career, and went into the ring while high on cocaine.

The revelations come in his autobiography Undisputed Truth, in which he confesses that he was taking coke and marijuna for a large part of his troubled career.

“I was a full-blown cokehead,” he admits, and also reveals that he was taking drugs shortly before his shock defeat to Britsh boxer Danny Williams in 2004. Four years earlier he had resorted to using a device called a “whizzer” – a fake penis full of clean urine – after a fight against  Lou Savarese in Glasgow.

He also admits taking cocaine before the famous press conference in 2002 when he attacked his opponent Lennox Lewis and bit him on the leg.

The Daily Telegraph describes the book as a “vivid portrait” of the life of a man who grew up on the streets of Brooklyn and became heavyweight champion of the world, a convicted rapist and one of sport’s most divisive figures.

Tyson’s startling admission that he used a fake penis, rather more successfully than Richard E Grant’s character in the film Withnail & I, comes after an Italian distance runner was caught trying the same trick in September.

Devis Licciardi’s efforts to siphon clean urine through a fake organ failed when he was spotted by officials, reported the Telegraph. But it suggested that the practice might be widespread and added: “Fake penises are readily available on the internet and even come in different colours to match users’ skin colour, including white, black and Latino.”

Tyson’s admission of drug taking and the unusual methods he used to evade the testers will put the issue of drugs in sport back in the spotlight.

The revelations come as disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong embarks on what The Guardian calls a “media offensive”, claiming that his lifetime ban for systematically cheating his way to seven Tour de France titles has led to a “massive personal loss of wealth”.

And earlier this week Jamaica’s most senior drug tester told the BBC that the country’s recent rash of failed tests might be the “tip of an iceberg”. So far this year former 100m record holder Asafa Powell, Olympic gold-medallist Sherone Simpson and several others have failed tests. ·

Read more: http://www.theweek.co.uk/sport/drugs-sport/56050/mike-tyson-used-fake-penis-pass-drugs-tests-while-coke#ixzz2kdGeUXrI








High Incidence of Dogs Eating Marijuana

Legalization brings unforeseen consequences

dogs high study america colorado marijuana poisioning dog ate hash brownies weed what to do emergency vet

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    Photo: Amy/Flickr

America’s dogs are getting high. Dangerously so. Owners are coming home to find their pooches nearly comatose, their eyes glazed over and their bodies twitching after ingesting large quantities of marijuana.

Evidently, cases of marijuana poisoning in dogs have been on the uptick as more states decriminalize the substance or at least pass bills permitting its full use for medical purposes. Many users consumer their weed in the form of baked goods and it’s not uncommon for a dog to steal a brownie or two and end up with more than they bargained for. 

In a post for the Los Angeles Times, Teresa Watanabe described coming home to find her own dog, Monte, nearly dead from an overdose.

“He tried to walk, but dragged his hind legs. He couldn’t sit up on his own,” she wrote. “I was terrified that he’d had a stroke and was paralyzed. Or was dying.” Monte recovered but had to spend the night in the hospital with an IV drip. The whole ordeal ended up costing Watanabe over $700.

Watanabe also spoke to Bruce Castillo, an emergency veterinarian technician at an Eagle Rock clinic who says he usually treats two or three stoned dogs a night. He says that while most recover from an overdose, it can still be lethal for some dogs. Castillo cited the case of a Jack Russell terrier that died after ingesting “a huge amount of pot.” Two dogs listed in the Colorado study also died from eating marijuana-laced butter.

five-year study on the subject found that incidents of marijuana poisoning in dogs quadrupled in Colorado after the state voted to legalize medical weed in 2000.