Tag Archives: chicago

Own Al Capone’s First Chicago Home for Just $225,000


Own Al Capone’s First Chicago Home for Just $225,000


Hey listen up wise guys, the home of former mob boss and notorious Chicago gangster Al Capone is up for sale. As the listing states, “This was AL CAPONES Chicago Home WOW”. Wow, indeed. There’s really not much to look at, and there aren’t any interior photos in the listing. However this piece of Chicago history can be had for only$225,000. The red brick Grand Crossings home was built in 1908 and has three bedrooms on each floor. Capone and his family moved into the home way back in 1923, before he was known for terrorizing the city. According to DNAinfo, the current owner has been living in the home since 1963 when she purchased it for $29,500. The home looks like it could use some work, but maybe there’s some buried treasure hiding somewhere on the property that will pay for the repairs.
·7244 S Prairie Ave Chicago, IL 60619 [Redfin]
·Al Capone’s former Chicago home hits market for $225,000 [Daily News]
·Al Capone’s Former Home in Grand Crossing for Sale [DNAinfo]


Labor Day stems from deadly labor strike, but few Americans know the history


A labor movement in Chicago in 1894 left 30 Pullman workers dead, and later spurred Congress and President Grover Cleveland to pass a bill creating Labor Day. But the history of this holiday is rarely taught in schools, and there are few full-time labor journalists to write about working class communities.

Sunday, August 31, 2014, 7:31 PM

16 Vintage Photos of Labor Day Celebrations

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While most of us now celebrate Labor Day with barbecues or end-of-summer vacations, the holiday was originally much more focused on labor unions and was meant to celebrate the economic and social contribution of blue collar workers. In fact, the holiday was only made a federal celebration in 1894 in an attempt to placate labor unions after the famous Pullman Strike, which resulted in 30 deaths. This labor-centric meaning is particularly apparent when looking at vintage photos of the holiday like these, which are courtesy of the Library of Congress.


Original documents aiming to establish Labor Day as a holiday called for a parade that would be followed by family-friendly festivities. As a result, parades were a huge part of the celebrations during the early days of the holiday as you can see in the top picture from the Fireman’s Labor Day Parade from 1929.


Not only were the unions a big part of the reason the holiday was created, but they continued to be a big part of the celebrations for years to come. In fact, many of the early parades were made up largely of groups of different local union workers, like the Women’s Auxiliary Typographical Union pictured here in 1909.


The parades also provided unions with a good opportunity to raise funds to support striking union workers, like this man was doing on behalf of the Furriers Union in 1915.


Of course, like modern parades, there were still plenty of fun sources of entertainment for kids. These four clowns, for example, were happy to amuse the crowd in the Silverton, Colorado parade of 1940.


Similarly, even a small silver mining town like Silverton, Colorado had a high school marching band present to bring a little marching music to the parade, as you can see in this 1940 image by Russell Lee.


As the years wore on, the floats got more elaborate and the parades started attracting larger crowds as well. Here’s a group that was fortunate enough to have balcony seating for the 1940 Labor Day Parade in Du Bois, Pennsylvania, as photographed by Jack Delano.


When WWII rolled around, the unions continued to provide floats for the parades, but they focused their float themes on patriotism and winning the war. In 1942, photographer Arthur S. Siegel captured the Detroit Local 600 of the Congress of Industrial Organizations showing their electrical workers electrocuting Hitler.


Even the clowns at that 1942 Detroit parade had it out for Hitler, showing his headquarters were holed up inside of an outhouse all while promoting bonds to support the war effort. Photograph by Arthur S. Siegel.


Even in the midst of electrocutions and outhouses though, the Detroit parade still made a place for this adorable little girl with her American flag to show her support for the war effort and Labor Day festivities. Image taken in 1942 by Arthur S. Siegel.


As for those family-friendly festivities, well, those varied from location to location, although classic picnic games like potato sack races seemed to be pretty popular across the board. I don’t know who won this particular race shot in 1940 by Russell Lee in Ridgeway, Colorado, but I’d put my money on the big kid on the left.


Depending on the size of the festival, some places would even put up fun carnival rides for the kids. I particularly love this picture of a tiny miner from Silverton, Colorado, taken by Russell Lee in 1940.


The best part of the Labor Day past and present might just be families getting to spend a nice weekend together, like these miners enjoying the holiday with their youngsters back in 1942. Photo taken in Silverton, Colorado by Russell Lee.


Not everyone put away their tools on Labor Day. In fact, the miners of Silverton actually competed to show off who was the best driller. Here’s one participant hand drilling on a massive boulder, as photographed by Russell Lee.


Of course, while many people enjoyed watching contests on Labor Day, most didn’t want to work on the holiday. That’s why going to the race track was so popular in Benning, Maryland back in 1916. Labor Day races like this one included both motorcycle and car events.


While many modern Labor Day celebrations revolve around backyard barbecues, they used to be much larger, community affairs. In fact, this 1940 celebration in Ridgeway, Colorado required dozens of volunteers to prep, cut and serve the massive, free barbecue that fed practically everyone in the whole town. Photo by Russell Lee.


Despite the rain, everyone at the 1940 Ridgeway barbecue seemed grateful to wait in line for such a delicious Labor Day treat, presumably only furthering that feeling of community. Image taken by Russell Lee.

Cookouts now mark Labor Day, instead of parades honoring country’s labor movement, says AFL-CIO honcho Richard Trumpka.



WASHINGTON — Monday is the day to celebrate the American worker and his sacrifices and economic and social achievements.

You do know that, right?

If you don’t, you’re not alone.

Few recall the bloodstained origins of this holiday as we fire up the grill, throw on the burgers and dogs and turn on the U.S. Open tennis or maybe the Yanks, Mets or another ballgame.

And, in a sign of the times, the Sunday morning network news shows didn’t even offer their usual, token pre-Labor Day weekend spot for the head of the nation’s labor movement.

“No,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka when I asked him. “No invitations this year.”

President Grover Cleveland signed legislation to create Labor Day.ANONYMOUS/APPresident Grover Cleveland signed legislation to create Labor Day.

I told the former mine worker-turned-lawyer that there seems to be a precious lack of understanding of the holiday’s origins.

In fact, it stems from an awful confrontation in Chicago in 1894 that saw federal marshals and the Army kill 30 striking Pullman railroad strikers.

Soon after the Pullman walkout ended, Congress and President Grover Cleveland quickly passed and signed legislation for the holiday.

That history is rarely taught in schools and there are few full-time labor journalists anymore.

So with many millions jobless or involuntarily working part-time, we’ll have a few pro forma parades, but not much else.

Americans will be grilling hot dogs on Labor Day rather than honoring the history of the holiday.BOB FILA/KRTAmericans will be grilling hot dogs on Labor Day rather than honoring the history of the holiday.

“Unfortunately, I think your analysis is spot on,” said Trumka, who will take part in celebrations in his native Pennsylvania, including Pittsburgh, while President Obama does the same Monday with one in Milwaukee.

“From assembly lines to classrooms, across highways and steel mills, American workers strengthen the foundation of our country and demonstrate that our economy grows best from the middle out,” Obama says in his formal holiday proclamation.

Yes, but sadly, “There is virtually no labor writing anymore and little, if any, reporting on the working class or working class communities,” said William Serrin, a longtime NYU journalism professor and former New York Times labor writer.

“It could be a gold mine of important stories. It’s a shame,” he said Sunday.

Hey, anybody need another burger?

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/history-labor-day-forgotten-article-1.1923299#ixzz3C4zAQri9

My first Poetry Reading and Courage:The “C” In The Creative Personality


Anxiety And The Creative Personality:The Good, Bad And The Ugly

Overcoming Anxiety

My very first poetry reading was at Saint Mark’s Church in N.Y.C I was nervous but it went alright.
As I continued to do readings my fear grew. At times it was overwhelming,and make me a total wreck. I began drinking port and smoking post. That didn’t help!
Even if the audience was receptive or I had a sell out, nothing helped. The reviews was always good-no one noticed what I was going through!
my worst poetry reading was at The Green Mill Tavern in Chicago. (Capone’s hangout) I had been invited, paid $100 and flyers were handed out. Little did I know it was an evening of “performance” poetry, and I am definitely not that kind of poet.
I got up on stage and started to read, there was silence then “boos” that got louder and louder. I stopped, looking out into the audience and yelled “FUCK YOU ALL”. My husband who was out there somewhere clapped louder and louder. He grabbed my hand and lead me off the stage. We left. He told me how proud he was of me. Suddenly my anger was gone, and I laughed till I cried.
This fear of the audience remained with me throughout my poetry career. I never overcame it.
After 3 tours of the U.S. and Europe, many of the readings  went very well, I was well received. I had a sell-out crowd in “Carla’s” in my hometown of New Hope PA.** and no one noticed my shaking knees! but I felt my pounding heart and it was coming out of my chest, Not good!
I switched to radio shows, taping and doing internet shows with Dave-I  was fine without an audience.  The only times I read my poetry from that time on was when Dave and I had poetry parties, I felt at ease with my friends,  the pressure was gone. I was so glad not to be in front of an audience. What a relief!.
**At Carla’s I read a poem about a vigilante cop that walked up and down Main Street, the news got to him. The next day Dave an I had 7 Allentown State police with guns drawn pounding at our door. They pushed their way in with a search warrant for pot. They threw Dave own on the floor and searched him, all they found was a small quantity of marijuana. The cops ignored a film canister containing acid in the front of the freezer. It was apparent they were not there for drugs, Then they proceeded to videotape the posters on our wall,go through our documents, and take personal photos. They questioned us as to why we were living in New Hope,what was our purpose etc etc. We answered that New Hope was an artist’s town and had been since the 40’s. Abbie Hoffman had hid out from the cops on a local chicken farm. This town had it’s share of controversy. We were members of the poetry underground,publishing poetry and books. We were involved in “the small press” The big bad cops stayed for 3 hours after tearing our place apart. Then they left warning us not to tell anyone! What a farce,but a terrifying time anyway!
Courage:The “C” In The Creative Personality

creative personality

Henri Matisse’s simple statement on the creative personality is powerful and complex. It does take courage living with uncertainties and hoping for possibilities. We spend our days sharpening skills taking classes, training, staying in loop, and getting ready for the moment lady luck knocks at our door. Yes true grit, selecting a career where worth and professional success are based upon  others’ opinions who may or may not have more skill and talent.
Don’t we sound GREAT?

Creative Characteristics`

We’re what dreams are made of!
Here comes the “but”….

Characteristics of a Creative Mind: Anxiety and Stress

Living a creative life sounds exhilarating and it is; when is good it’s great when it’s bad well…you’ve read the stories of troubled artists and the depths of their depression. Theanxiety, stress and phobias stem from of the creative process can bring the most successful to their knees unable to cope or manage the smallest bump in the road.The stakes are high in creative fields, your uniqueness, individuality your entire self is defined by what and how much you create. It’s one thing to be the “that funny entering friend” and another thing to be the “nailed the audition, got the job, can pay the rent guy” and the more you have vested in  a situations outcome the higher the anxiety. Performing artists’ live in a nameless field of the unknown, with no guarantees of success; yet success is only an audition or connection away. Worrying feeling edgy, preoccupied with the future are all part of the creative process.

100 Coping Skills for Anxiety

My mission at Haartfelt.com is to teach performing artists’ that who they are and what they do matters, not only to them but the world. However being influential requires new learning for most of you creative types. You’ll have to learn to live by a new paradigm, surrendering the fear of feeling uncomfortable; stopping all the resistance to feeling” bad”. By surrendering the fear of feeling “uncomfortable”, you can begin accepting all feelings as unique ingredients making up the creative personality.

Welcome To Haartfelt!


The John Hancock Center in Chicago has installed a new observation platform on the 94th floor, and it’s not for the faint-hearted.

The John Hancock Center in Chicago has installed a new observation platform on the 94th floor, and it’s not for the faint-hearted.


. The John Hancock Center in Chicago has installed a new observation platform on the 94th floor, and it’s not for the faint-hearted.

Chicago Tribune / Via youtube.com

2. Called TILT, the attraction uses hydraulic lifts to move the full-length windows forward at a 33-degree angle so people can get a proper bird’s eye view of the city 1,000ft below.

3. The tilting windows have metal bars on each side, which you grab hold of as the glass begins to move outwards.

4. TILT opens to the public this weekend and will cost $5 plus the admission to the observatory.

Eight people will be able to lean against the glass at one time.

5. Nichole Williamson, the general manager of 360 Chicago, the new name for the old John Hancock Observatory, said:


The movement in and out of the building is very controlled. We want it to be memorable and thrilling, but we don’t want to terrify anybody.

6. Alia Kingsbury, who visited the attraction on a school trip, told AP she was just happy she didn’t wet herself.

Chicago Tribune / Via youtube.com

Find out more about TILT here.




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Singer, Music Producer (1939–2013

Ray Manzarek Biography

Quick Facts
Name Ray Manzarek Occupation Singer, Music Producer Birth Date February 12, 1939 Death Date May 20, 2013 Education DePaul University, University of California, Los Angeles Place of Birth Chicago, Illinois Place of Death Rosenheim, Germany AKA Raymond Daniel Manczarek Ray Manczarek Raymond Manczarek Ray ManzarekFull Name Raymond Daniel Manczarek Jr.
Early Life
Success with the Doors
Life After the Doors
Death and Legacy
Cite This Page

Ray Manzarek was a co-founder of the Doors, a 1960s rock band. His keyboard skills helped turn Doors songs like “Light My Fire” into huge hits.


“We knew what the people wanted: the same thing the Doors wanted. Freedom.”

—Ray Manzarek


Ray Manzarek was born in Chicago, Illinois, on February 12, 1939. After moving to California, Manzarek became a founding member of the Doors, the psychedelic rock band. The Doors split up soon after the death of lead singer Jim Morrison, but Manzarek continued to work as a successful musician, producer and writer. Manzarek died in Rosenheim, Germany, on May 20, 2013, at the age of 74.

Early Life

Ray Manzarek was born Raymond Daniel Manczarek Jr. on February 12, 1939, in Chicago, Illinois. He trained as a classical organist and pianist during his childhood. After studying economics at DePaul University, Manzarek moved to California, where he attended film school at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Success with the Doors

In 1965, Manzarek happened to run into fellow UCLA student Jim Morrison on a beach in Venice, California. After hearing some of Morrison’s poetic song lyrics, Manzarek suggested that they form a band. Lead singer Morrison and keyboardist Manzarek were soon joined by guitarist Robby Krieger and drummer John Densmore. Together, the four men made up the Doors. Each member brought something special to the band, with Manzarek offering his powerful keyboard skills and classical, blues and jazz influences.

The musical world of the 1960s was filled with bands who wanted to speak for the counterculture, but the Doors struck a chord. The Doors were signed to Elektra Records in 1966 and released their first album the following year. Playing a Vox Continental organ, Manzarek gave many Doors songs a unique sound, as demonstrated in their No. 1 hit “Light My Fire.” The band’s other hit songs included “Break on Through (To the Other Side),” “Riders on the Storm” and “Hello, I Love You.”

The Doors had recorded six successful albums before Morrison died in Paris, France, in 1971. After Morrison’s death, Manzarek took over as vocalist. The group put out two more albums, but, as Manzarek explained, “[It] wasn’t the Doors without Morrison.” The remaining members split up in 1973.

Life After the Doors

After the Doors broke up, Manzarek stayed in the music business. In addition to putting out solo albums, he formed the band Nite City. Manzarek also worked with composer Philip Glass on a rock adaptation of “Carmina Burana,” produced albums for the punk band X, and recorded with Weird Al Yankovic.

In 2002, Manzarek began touring with Doors guitarist Krieger, leading to a legal battle with Densmore about their rights to use the band’s name (the final name the two performed under was Manzarek-Krieger). However, the dispute with Densmore didn’t keep the three remaining Doors members from recording together later, as they worked on “Breakin’ a Sweat” with electronic musician Skrillex.

In addition to music, Manzarek penned an autobiography, Light My Fire: My Life with The Doors, in 1998. He also wrote two novels that were published in the 2000s.

Death and Legacy

On May 20, 2013, after fighting bile duct cancer for years, Manzarek died at the age of 74 in a clinic in Rosenheim, Germany.

Though his life was filled with a multitude of other accomplishments, Manzarek is best known as a member of one of the most successful bands the world has ever seen. The Doors have sold more than 100 million albums worldwide, been immortalized in an Oliver Stone film and been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Being a part of a success like the Doors is something few musicians get the chance to experience, and Manzarek was proud of that legacy.

Raymond Daniel Manczarek Jr.. (2014). The Biography.com website. Retrieved 01:33, Apr 12, 2014, from http://www.biography.com/people/ray-manzarek-21232373.

Harvard Style

Raymond Daniel Manczarek Jr.. [Internet]. 2014. The Biography.com website. Available from: http://www.biography.com/people/ray-manzarek-21232373 [Accessed 12 Apr 2014].

“Raymond Daniel Manczarek Jr..” 2014. The Biography.com website. Apr 12 2014 http://www.biography.com/people/ray-manzarek-21232373.
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Ray Manzarek
By Levi Asher on Monday, May 20, 2013 08:33 pm

Audio Literature, Beat Generation, Music, Poetry Readings, Postmodernism, Summer Of Love, Tributes
I saw Ray Manzarek, the keyboardist for the Doors who died today, at a poetry show with Michael McClure at the Bottom Line nightclub in New York City a few years ago. I was awestruck by both legends on that stage: McClure for being a Beat Generation poet and Ray Manzarek for being the most exciting keyboard player in the history of rock, the architect of the “Light My Fire” sound, a key literary/avant-garde scenester of the hippie and post-hippie era, and the enabler of Jim Morrison.

I wasn’t actually blown away by the Bottom Line poetry show, maybe because I like Michael McClure and Ray Manzarek too much individually for the tastes to go together. But, looking for a YouTube video with which to pay tribute to great Brother Ray today, I skipped the obvious Doors selections and settled instead on a McClure/Manzarek performance uploaded in 2008. Manzarek plucks shimmering riffs from “Riders on the Storm” while McClure says stuff like this:

i am my abstract alchemist of flesh made real

The luminescent celestial canvas of “Riders” is a good example of Ray Manzarek at his best. It’s good to see in this late-career video that maturity did not dim Manzarek’s spiritual major key brightness, nor slow his tempo. He died of cancer at the age of 74. As McClure says: O Muse!

Video of the Day: A Short Documentary About the Original Beatniks

Video of the Day: A Short Documentary About the Original Beatniks


Video  of the Day: A Short Documentary About the Original Beatniks

If the only Beat Generation writers you can name are Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs, then it’s time to educate yourself about the rest of the gang. A great place to start is Original Beats, a short documentary by Francois Bernadi that we learned about thanks to Dangerous Minds. The film, shot in the mid-’90s, follows Herbert Huncke and Gregory Corso — the oldest and youngest member, respectively, of the Beat inner circle. In fact, while Corso’s work may be more famous, Huncke was hugely influential to the movement, introducing the major players to (’50s) hipster culture and even coining the term “Beat.” (Sadly, he was also a lifelong junkie who spent his last years in poverty; Jonathan Lethem recently wrote a New Yorker piece about the time he caught Huncke shoplifting at the bookstore where he worked as a high schooler.)

The documentary offers an entertaining look at the origins of the Beat movement, as well as some readings, and a number of epic anecdotes from Huncke and Corso, from Huncke’s first glimpse of Times Square to both men’s stints in prison. One of Corso’s stories, about a time when he and Allen Ginsberg read in Chicago, ends with this wonderful moment: “One of the people in the audience said, ‘Mr. Ginsberg, why is there so much homosexuality in your poetry?’ And Allen said, ‘Because I’m queer, madam!’” Enjoy Original Beats after the jump.


a breathtaking aerial vidw of the Chicago skyline as reflected on Lake Michagan-click for bigger view

a breathtaking aerial vidw of the Chicago skyline as reflected on Lake Michagan-click for bigger view


A Breathtaking Aerial View of the Chicago Skyline as Reflected on Lake Michigan sunset clouds cityscapes Chicago

While on approach to Chicago O’Hare International Airport last week after a business trip, amateur photographer Mark Hersch glanced out his window at the setting sun and decided to pull out his iPhone to take a photo. Right then the plane banked for a 180-degree left turn over Lake Michigan for a final westward approach when an unexpected play of light occurred: the entire skyline of Chicago was suddenly projected in shadow from underneath the cover of clouds. It’s safe to say this is textbook definition of a once-in-a-lifetime shot. Photo courtesy Mark Hersch. (via Twisted Sifter)




Driving the Mother Road – Highlights of Historic Route 66

“…and they come into 66 from the tributary side roads, from the wagon tracks and the rutted country roads, 66 is the mother road, the road of flight.” — John Steinbeck in “The Grapes of Wrath”.
Classic Cars and a Touch of Charm (AZ) [1]
Route 66 means different things to different people, but freedom is a common theme. For families like the Joads, it proved an avenue of escape from Dust-Bowl-stricken farms. For troops heading to the battlefronts of World War II, it provided a means to combat world tyranny. For countless American families, it held the promise of a new life out West or an old-fashioned family road trip. Known during its heyday as America’s Main Street, this byway holds a special place in the collective consciousness as the herald of a new era of travel.
Route 66: It’s More than a Road; It’s Her People. (AZ) [2]
Decommissioned in 1985, the route is fragmented and sections of it no longer exist. The Mother Road in Illinois, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona is enjoying a renaissance as part of the America’s Byways® collection, making large portions of the Route 66 adventure easily accessible and well signed. Traveling the designated route through the states between Illinois and Arizona is a challenging adventure, so pick up one of the many route-specific guidebooks or maps and hit the road.
Buckingham Fountain (IL) [3]
During the post-war economic boom, many young people felt restless and disillusioned. They sought solace on the open road away from the big cities and suburbia; pointing their car towards the West and driving with no particular destination. Follow in the path of these bohemian voyagers along the restored sections of this historic highway. The Illinois section of Historic Route 66 begins with the architectural wonders of the metropolitan “Windy City”. Chicago’s “Cultural Mile” on Michigan Avenue holds many treasures, such as glorious Buckingham Fountain (one of the largest in the world), Millenium Park (full of gardens, sculptures and host to many live performances) and more than a dozen museums and art galleries. The city also holds many works designed by renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
Giant Catsup Bottle (IL) [4]
Heading south through the rural farmland of southern Illinois, you’ll stop in at eclectic restaurants, motels, and roadside attractions, some of which have been around since the route’s inception. In Lincoln, stop by the Railsplitter Covered Wagon. Named the #1 roadside attraction in the U.S. by Readers Digest in 2010, the gigantic covered wagon offers visitors a one-of-a-kind experience. In Springfield, you can learn about President Abraham Lincoln at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum and Library. The museum houses the world’s largest collection of artifacts and papers from Abraham Lincoln and his family. Several exhibits chronicle the life of the president. Founded in 1924 by Greek immigrant Pete Adam, the Artison Café in Litchfield is believed by many to be the oldest restaurant on Route 66. At the café, you can enjoy American favorites as well as traditional Greek dishes like baklava, a sweet pastry dessert. Just before your journey on Illinois’ Route 66 ends, look for the world’s largest catsup (or ketchup) bottle in Collinsville. Originally constructed in 1949, this Route 66 icon has been beautifully restored.
Blue Whale (OK) [5]
Oklahoma is at the heart of the Mother Road. Along the byway, you will encounter amazing architecture like Arcadia’s Round Barn, the Coleman Theatre in Miami, one of Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome buildings, and the Oklahoma State Capitol. Keep your camera handy to capture unique roadside attractions like the Blue Whale in Catoosa, the Milk Bottle in Oklahoma City, and the Sand Hills Curiosity Shop in Erick. If you want to try a local food favorite, head to El Reno, the acclaimed Onion Burger Capitol of the World, for a pungent yet mouthwatering sandwich.
Historic Route 66 Roadsign in Santa Fe (NM) [6]
For the road-weary traveler, the nation’s interstate system tends toward monotony as the same fast food and hotel chains greet you at every exit. Your trip down Route 66 provides a break from the tedium for the cross-country explorer. Evidence of a departure from the routine abounds as you enter New Mexico. Admire the Art Deco Route 66 Memorial in Tucumcari. A tribute to the art and architecture along the byway, this piece sets the mood for the New Mexico leg of your journey. Also in Tucumari is the Tee Pee Curio shop, the perfect place to pick up a one-of-a-kind memento from your trip. Stop in at culturally diverse Santa Fe, a hub for artists and southwestern history. Just outside of Santa Fe is the Tesuque Flea Market. Discover exquisite beadwork, hand-thrown pottery, brightly patterned rugs, and much more offered by more than 500 vendors.
Historic Bridge Crossing the Colorado River (AZ) [7]
Natural wonders brought travelers from all over the country to marvel at the desert formations and wild expanses of the Western states. In Arizona, enjoy the natural beauty along the longest remaining section of the original route in the country. Take in the magnificent scenery of the Petrified Forest National Park, home to the largest collection of petrified wood in the world. Spend some time in Flagstaff, one of the best towns along the byway for reliving the original Route 66 spirit. A hub for such destinations as three national monuments, the red rocks of Sedona, and the Grand Canyon, Flagstaff is also home to museums, historic mansions, and classic hotels from the ‘30s to the ‘60s. Want more natural wonders? Head to the Grand Canyon Caverns in Peach Springs and explore the largest dry caverns in the U.S.

Give yourself a week or so to fully experience the byway. Resist the temptation to think of the end as your goal. Every city along Route 66 offers a little slice of Americana and each mile bears the evidence of kindred adventurous spirits who blazed the trail before yo