Tag Archives: BILLS

Woman has SEX CHANGE to avoid paying off debts


MOST people seek advice in paying off debts but one woman tried to get out of paying them by having a SEX CHANGE.

By Andy Wells/Published 29th January 2014

bills, debts, taxes, sex change, natalya, andrian, operation, bailiffs, russiaDRASTIC: The woman became a man in an attempt to avoid paying back debts [GETTY]

The Russian woman, known only as Natalya, had built up debts of around £2,200 and was being pursued by bailiffs.

At her wits end, she made the dramtic decision to have a complete sex change operation in an attempt to become a different person and avoid having to make the repayments.

Bailiffs said: “The debtor changed gender to try to escape liabilities.

“During our investigation, we found out that the woman doesn’t exist anymore, and now a man exists.”

Now a man called Andrian, he got a new passport with completely different details and managed to borrow even more money.

“If a debtor thinks he can escape that way, he’s very much mistaken”

Bailiff spokeswoman Yevgenia Zarynsh

However, he will still have to pay the debts back, despite his decision to change sex.

Bailiff spokeswoman Yevgenia Zarynsh added to AFP: “He will be liable all the same, despite the gender change.

“It’s futile. He’ll still have to pay them back.

“If a debtor thinks he can escape that way, he’s very much mistaken.”

Andrian, who has built up more debts in the form of unpaid taxes, is still on the run.



Man attempts to pay water bill with crack cocaine

2:30 PM, Sep 24, 2013   |   0  comments
DELTONA, Fla. — Authorities were searching for a Deltona man who tried to pay his water bill with crack cocaine by handing the cashier an envelope filled with it, the sheriff’s office said.

The Deltona Water office was evacuated on Sept. 23 after the water-department employees called the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office to take a look at the envelope with the white powder, authorities said.

A team of law enforcement officials and fire department employees responded to the building, the sheriff’s office said.

According to the report, it is common for customers to drop off envelopes in the counter that contain their water bill payments.

But in this case, when the employee opened the envelope, there was no statement or writing on it. Instead, the envelope contained a clear plastic bag with 3 grams of crack cocaine.

The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office will continue to investigate the incident. the man was caught on surveillance video and deputies say he left the water office in a bicycle.

NBC Miami