Tag Archives: ana christy poet





Ana’s GuitarThis is my friend Ana’s Guitar.

Ana is a Poet who, some years ago, went travelling through Nashville, Tennessee collecting and patching memorabilia to this guitar. The arm sticking out from the bottom of the photo is Mr. Howdy Doody’s Puppet!

If you view this in larger size you can read the details on leaflets.

You can view this in Large here;


My first Poetry Reading and Courage:The “C” In The Creative Personality


Anxiety And The Creative Personality:The Good, Bad And The Ugly

Overcoming Anxiety

My very first poetry reading was at Saint Mark’s Church in N.Y.C I was nervous but it went alright.
As I continued to do readings my fear grew. At times it was overwhelming,and make me a total wreck. I began drinking port and smoking post. That didn’t help!
Even if the audience was receptive or I had a sell out, nothing helped. The reviews was always good-no one noticed what I was going through!
my worst poetry reading was at The Green Mill Tavern in Chicago. (Capone’s hangout) I had been invited, paid $100 and flyers were handed out. Little did I know it was an evening of “performance” poetry, and I am definitely not that kind of poet.
I got up on stage and started to read, there was silence then “boos” that got louder and louder. I stopped, looking out into the audience and yelled “FUCK YOU ALL”. My husband who was out there somewhere clapped louder and louder. He grabbed my hand and lead me off the stage. We left. He told me how proud he was of me. Suddenly my anger was gone, and I laughed till I cried.
This fear of the audience remained with me throughout my poetry career. I never overcame it.
After 3 tours of the U.S. and Europe, many of the readings  went very well, I was well received. I had a sell-out crowd in “Carla’s” in my hometown of New Hope PA.** and no one noticed my shaking knees! but I felt my pounding heart and it was coming out of my chest, Not good!
I switched to radio shows, taping and doing internet shows with Dave-I  was fine without an audience.  The only times I read my poetry from that time on was when Dave and I had poetry parties, I felt at ease with my friends,  the pressure was gone. I was so glad not to be in front of an audience. What a relief!.
**At Carla’s I read a poem about a vigilante cop that walked up and down Main Street, the news got to him. The next day Dave an I had 7 Allentown State police with guns drawn pounding at our door. They pushed their way in with a search warrant for pot. They threw Dave own on the floor and searched him, all they found was a small quantity of marijuana. The cops ignored a film canister containing acid in the front of the freezer. It was apparent they were not there for drugs, Then they proceeded to videotape the posters on our wall,go through our documents, and take personal photos. They questioned us as to why we were living in New Hope,what was our purpose etc etc. We answered that New Hope was an artist’s town and had been since the 40’s. Abbie Hoffman had hid out from the cops on a local chicken farm. This town had it’s share of controversy. We were members of the poetry underground,publishing poetry and books. We were involved in “the small press” The big bad cops stayed for 3 hours after tearing our place apart. Then they left warning us not to tell anyone! What a farce,but a terrifying time anyway!
Courage:The “C” In The Creative Personality

creative personality

Henri Matisse’s simple statement on the creative personality is powerful and complex. It does take courage living with uncertainties and hoping for possibilities. We spend our days sharpening skills taking classes, training, staying in loop, and getting ready for the moment lady luck knocks at our door. Yes true grit, selecting a career where worth and professional success are based upon  others’ opinions who may or may not have more skill and talent.
Don’t we sound GREAT?

Creative Characteristics`

We’re what dreams are made of!
Here comes the “but”….

Characteristics of a Creative Mind: Anxiety and Stress

Living a creative life sounds exhilarating and it is; when is good it’s great when it’s bad well…you’ve read the stories of troubled artists and the depths of their depression. Theanxiety, stress and phobias stem from of the creative process can bring the most successful to their knees unable to cope or manage the smallest bump in the road.The stakes are high in creative fields, your uniqueness, individuality your entire self is defined by what and how much you create. It’s one thing to be the “that funny entering friend” and another thing to be the “nailed the audition, got the job, can pay the rent guy” and the more you have vested in  a situations outcome the higher the anxiety. Performing artists’ live in a nameless field of the unknown, with no guarantees of success; yet success is only an audition or connection away. Worrying feeling edgy, preoccupied with the future are all part of the creative process.

100 Coping Skills for Anxiety

My mission at Haartfelt.com is to teach performing artists’ that who they are and what they do matters, not only to them but the world. However being influential requires new learning for most of you creative types. You’ll have to learn to live by a new paradigm, surrendering the fear of feeling uncomfortable; stopping all the resistance to feeling” bad”. By surrendering the fear of feeling “uncomfortable”, you can begin accepting all feelings as unique ingredients making up the creative personality.

Welcome To Haartfelt!




John Prine Biography





John Prine  is one of my favorite singers. He was a favorite of Dave’s too.

Saturday night was our party night. We’d sit at our fifties kitchen table with candles lit, incense going and the cd player playing. The scene was set as we settled in for a long night. We shared a bottle of vodka and Dave drank beer  and I drank wine. We would record our weekly internet radio show “The Can Man Says Goodnight show on luver.com. We had a great time getting really blasted and high doing the occasional snort here and there. Yes we were hippies, boozers I suppose and potheads, and good at it. I am not ashamed, we did exactly what we wanted to the fullest extent. It was, we agreed the best time of our lives, and the most productive years.

A short poem of mine



these walls sometimes scream with frustration

Other times heave with the passion of love

Sometimes these walls become glacier white

With the distortion of drugs

These walls hold our existence-books and

Manuscripts piled into pyramidal corners

Balancing on cardboard boxes and metal shelves

These walls with it’s controversial posters

And flyers with cryptic messages make others


These walls would embarrass our children

And parents-

They do not understand the expressiveness

Of filled space and open minds.

Ana Christy “Beatnik Blues”


John Prine Biography




Singer, Guitarist (1946–)

Quick Facts
Name John Prine Occupation Singer, Guitarist Birth Date October 10, 1946 (age 67) Place of Birth Maywood, Illinois Full Name John Prine Zodiac Sign Libra
Early Years
Recording Career
Cancer Scare
John Prine is an American singer-songwriter who has issued a prodigious number of albums. His work has been covered by Bonnie Raitt, Johnny Cash and George Strait.


Singer-songwriter John Prine was born on October 10, 1946 in Maywood, Illinois. Born into a music-making family, Prine began playing guitar at age 14. By his early 20s, he was living in Chicago and entrenched in the city’s folk music scene. In 1971, Prine put out his self-titled debut album, which earned critical praise and helped pave the way for a career that has spanned more than four decades.

Early Years

The grandson of a musician, singer-songwriter John Prine was born on October 10, 1946 in Maywood, Illinois. His grandfather was a guitar player for country-western star Merle Travis. His grandfather’s talents were evidently passed down to Prine, who began playing guitar at the age of 14.

Following a two-year stint in the Army, Prine moved to Chicago, where he immersed himself in the city’s folk music scene. His sound and style eventually caught the attention of Kris Kristofferson, who helped his new friend land a record contract.

Recording Career

In 1971, Prine released his self-titled debut album, which features the critically lauded song “Sam Stone,” an account of a drug-infused Vietnam. The album was adored by critics, but never enjoyed much commercial success. The same held true for his follow-up albums, Diamonds in the Rough (1972) and Sweet Revenge (1973).

In 1975, Prine released Common Sense, which offered his fans a heavier sound than they were accustomed to with his music. Backed by the popular song “Come Back to Us Barbara Lewis Hare Krishna Beauregard,” the record cracked the Billboard 100 chart. In the years since, Prine’s career has continued on a similar trajectory. His albums haven’t been overwhelming sellers, but they’ve managed to attract a dedicated following of fans who adore his music and songwriting.

Along the way, Prine has shown an ability to adapt and change. In the early 1980s, after getting dropped from his label, Asylum Records, Prine picked up the pieces and started his own recording company, Oh Boy Records. In 1991, he released the Grammy-winning LP The Missing Years, with guest appearances by Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty and Bonnie Raitt, among others. The album went on to sell more than 250,000 copies.

In recent years, Prine has maintained a steady recording career. His 2005 album of new material, Fair and Square, earned Prine a Grammy Award for best contemporary folk album. Prine’s 2007 release, Standard Songs for Average People, recorded with guitarist Mac Wiseman, offers his fans a collection of country and folk classics. In 2010, Prine put out In Person and On Stage, an album of live performances of his songs.

Cancer Scare

In 1998, Prine received a serious health scare—he was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, a cancer that had formed on the side of his neck. Surgery and radiation treatment soon followed. Prine made a full recovery and was able to complete his 1999 album, In Spite of Ourselves.

John Prine resides in Nashville with his wife, Fiona Whelan.

John Prine. (2014). The Biography.com website. Retrieved 01:39, May 21, 2014, from http://www.biography.com/people/john-prine-20871737.

John Prine. [Internet]. 2014. The Biography.com website. Available from: http://www.biography.com/people/john-prine-20871737 [Accessed 21 May 2014].

“John Prine.” Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 21 May 2014.





that week in Indiana

a 16 hour drive
Indiana bound
the road before
me wound here
and there as I
drove the day
the night filled
with anticipation
and lust for the
farmer and his
chickens cows
and an old brown
dog I was as free
as the wind
following the map
to the small town
that led me to him
that early dawn
and he was there
by the side of his
house in his army
fatigues and his
long brown hair
with a red bandana
oh god was he as
true to his photo
even better
and I did what
farmers daughters
do with handsome
in the hay loft
where mice ran
and the chickens
clucking and the
cows mooing and
the dog was barking
as we lay moaning
under an orange
moon-it was 18
years ago and I
dream of him still
we loved and lost
but the memories
stay and linger
there is a lot to
be said for Indiana
country boys with
red bandanas.

ana christy