Tag Archives: actors

REEFER MADNESS: Old Hollywood Stars Who Danced With Mary Jane!


REEFER MADNESS: Old Hollywood Stars Who Danced With Mary Jane!


April 21, 2016

reefer madness

It’s no secret that the world was a little less productive than normal yesterday. April 20th – or, 4/20–  has quickly become the poster-boy of counter-culture Holidays. One that is so widely known, Canada chose yesterday to announce they would be legalizing marijuana in spring of 2017.  Yep, this was an official announcement.

But as modern as pot-culture seems to be – that isn’t quite the case. We’re going back before teenagers hid behind portables, before hippies sat in friend circles. Many of your favourite stars of yesteryear were chummy with the friendly stranger – some even caught red-handed, and charged criminally with the substance. Check out our list of stars below!


bing crosby weed marijuana mary jane

Bing Crosby

Famous, Fifties Crooner Bing Grosby was secretly packing his pipe with wacky tobbacy, it seems. Crosby was introduced with the herbal remedy way back in the 20’s (before it was made illegal in 1927) by jazz legend Louis Armstrong. A Pocketful of Dreams quotes Bing’s eldest son, Gary, as saying “If you look at the way he sang and the way he walked and talked, you could make a pretty good case for somebody who was loaded. Gary also explained how sometimes, when marijuana was mentioned to Crosby,  “…he’d get a smile on his face. He’d kind of think about it and there’d be that little smile.”

Crosby was reluctant to publicly admit whether he continued to use cannabis, he wasn’t one to shy away from telling the media he thought it should be legalized. In numerous interviews during the 1960s-70s, he was forthright in saying the plants’ use should be decriminalized.



marilyn monroe smoking weed marijuana mary jane


Marilyn Monroe

After  a  video surfaced  in 2009, showing the Hollywood starlet purportedly smoking marijuana with friends in a New Jersey home, the world speculated if Marilyn truly participated in a puff puff pass. The film, which was shot in 1958 or 1959, shows Monroe sitting on a couch with what looks to be a joint in her hand. After a cut, the person sitting next to Monroe passes her the alleged joint from which she inhales.

While impossible to say for certain that she’s smoking marijuana in the clip, it certainly does look like it – Marilyn is all grins and giggles throughout the video.




Tony Curtis

Famous Fifties Heartthrob and father of actress Jamie Lee Curtis was no stranger to the green herb. He was famously arrested for possession of cannabis at London’s Heathrow Airport in 1970.  And, in an interview with People magazine in 1980, he reminisced: “I used to smoke marijuana, years ago.”



fred astaire smoked pot marijuana

Fred Astaire

The Famous Feet of famous actor and dancer Fred Astaire may have been fuelled by a little green plant, it seems. Actress Petula Clarke, who appeared alongside Astaire in the 1968 film Finian’s Rainbow, outed the actor in 2012. In an interview with the BBC, she said ‘…there was a lot of flower power going on!’ when asked about drug use between her and her co-stars.



ava gardner smoked pot

Ava Gardner

It was revealed in the book Ava Gardner: The Secret Conversations, that the sultry starlet was no stranger to Mary Jane’s advances.  Ava is quoted as saying, “I adored him. He was outrageous,” of Robert Mitchum, who turned her on to marijuana on the set of “My Forbidden Past” in 1951. “[I]n front of reporters, he’d call to his makeup man: ‘Hey, bring me some of that good shit, man.’..”



dalton trumbo marijuana

Dalton Trumbo

Oscar winning Screen-writer Dalton Trumbo is more famous for being blacklisted than being a pot head. But he was outed in an October 2007 article in the New Yorker by Steve Martin, who says that he saw Trumbo “…sorting the seeds and stems from a brick of pot..” during the 1970s while he was dating Trumbo’s daughter Mitzi.

14 Crazy Pics Of Famous Actors As Women


14 Crazy Pics Of Famous Actors As Women


John S. Cow Oct 19, 2015 Humo\
Hilarious user-generated photomanipulation project seamlessly showcases how some of Hollywood’s most famous faces would look like if they were women.

#1. Daniel Watson or Emma Radcliffe


#2. Ms McKellen


#3. Bradley Spears


#4. Serena Wayans


#5. Hugh Laurie


#6. Nicolas Cage


#7. Samuela L. Jackson


#8. Robert Downey


#9. Zac Aniston


#10. Benicio Del Jovovich


#11. Ms. Bean


#12. Leonardo Dicaprio


#13. Daniel Craig


#14. Jim Carrey





Published On December 14, 2014 » 39 Views» By Zachary Rowell » 


The 87th annual Academy Awards will air live on ABC in just over two months, and for the great actors listed down below, it may be too painful to watch. We understand that there are only so many awards to hand out and not everyone can leave a winner, but we have to wonder why the voters have failed to recognize all the talent you see down below.

Who would you add to this list?



No. 10 – Glenn Close

Glenn Close, but no cigar. The 67-year-old actress has been nominated an impressive six times, but she never has received an Oscar. She was nominated three times for Best Supporting Actress and three times for Best Actress. Her most recent nomination came after her brilliant performance in Albert Nobbs. She lost to three-time Academy Award winner Meryl Streep.



No. 9 – John Cusack

John Cusack is an intense guy and he takes his job seriously. He believes in putting out a quality product, and for the most part, he has delivered again and again throughout his career. Starring in award-winning movies like,The Grifters and Bullets Over Broadway;however the Academy just doesn’t seem to appreciate his brilliance.



No. 8 – Jim Carrey

When most people think about Jim Carrey, their mind automatically jumps to his role inDumb & Dumber. A classic comedy, but I think we can all agree shouting out the ‘most annoying sound in the world’ isn’t Oscar-worthy. But Jim Carrey is more than just a funny face. Who could forget his performance in The Truman Show? He won the Golden Globe award for Best Actor for his performance, but he wasn’t even nominated for the Oscars. And then the same thing happened the following year with Man on the Moon.

But wait, there’s more! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was a brilliant film. Critics fell in love with the movie, and Carrey’s co-star Kate Winslet landed a nomination for her role in the film. But again, the Academy looked over Carrey’s wonderful performance.



No. 7 – Ian McKellen

Sir Ian was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1991, but he still hasn’t earned an Oscar. He is adored by millions around the world and has earned more than 50 major international acting awards, so he’s probably not that broken up about it. We certainly are though! This man deserves it! But with McKellen turning 76 next year, it’s more likely he will receive an Honorary Oscar Award.



No. 6 – Samuel L. Jackson

This man is a legend. He’s been in this business for over 40 years and has appeared in over 100 films; however, he has only received one Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the classic,Pulp Fiction. Even though he’s about to turn 66, Jackson is still working his ass off.  You will be seeing him in several films next year, so maybe he still has a fighting chance. We are certainly rooting for him.




No. 5 – Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore often gets overlooked when talking about Oscar-less actors, but there is no reason her name shouldn’t be included in this list. After all, she is among a small group of actors who have been nominated twice in the same year. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for The Hours and Best Actress for Far From Heaven in 2002. In total, she has received four Oscar nominations. Many people believe she will earn another nomination this year for her performance inStill Alice. Maybe she will actually win this time.



No. 4 – Johnny Depp

Most people just assume Johnny Depp has won an Oscar. He’s one of the most talented actors of his generation, how could he not have an Oscar? Good question. Unfortunately, we don’t have an answer for you. Some people have questioned his range as an actor, but it’s hard to forget about the amount of great films he starred in back in the 1990s and early 2000s. He’s been nominated for Best Actor three times, but lost each time to some stiff competition; Sean Penn, Jamie Foxx and Daniel Day-Lewis.



No. 3 – Amy Adams

Again, you hear someone mention Amy Adams and you just assume she has won an Oscar. And considering she has been nominated five times in the last ten years, it’s not hard to understand why so many people believe that. The good news is that she still has a long career ahead of her, and she is smart when it comes to picking the right movies to star in. I would bet big money on her winning an Oscar before she retires.



No. 2 – Brad Pitt

You all know his name, his wife’s name and the names of his 20 children. You could also probably name at least 10 films he has starred in. That’s just how popular Brad Pitt is. Almost every movie he stars in is a success, simply because his name is attached to it. He’s been nominated three times, most recently for his performance in Moneyball, but he still hasn’t received that special solo award. As one of the producers of 12 Years A Slave, he did receive a win for Best Picture.


No. 1 – Leonardo DiCaprio

No words are needed. Just this one GIF…






Burton and Taylor: Trailer

Hollywood’s most glamorous and tempestuous couple are brought to life by Helena Bonham Carter (‘Les Miserables,’ ‘The King’s Speech’) as Liz Taylor and Dominic West (‘The Wire,’ ‘The Hour’) as Richard Burton. Don’t miss the biopic on BBC America.


I had met Taylor before. I was 14 when she came to the Sussex seaside village of Rottingdean, where I had gone to school, to visit my friend Enid Bagnold, whose novel, National Velvet, had provided the 12-year-old Elizabeth with her first Hollywood starring role as a girl who rides her pony to victory in the Grand National.

But I had never glimpsed Burton in the flesh, and my first sight of him was to prove shockingly memorable. I was at Heathrow to watch some of the location shooting for a film, The VIPs, in which Taylor and Burton were co-starring, supported by a host of famous names including Maggie Smith, Margaret Rutherford, Louis Jourdan and Orson Welles.

Burton, wild-eyed and red in the face, was punching the air like a boxer who had lost co-ordination. My first impression was that he must be filming a drunk scene. But then several of his wild lunges landed on innocent passers-by, and I realised that he was paralytic. I discovered that he had consumed 14 Bloody Mary’s before lunch, then moved on to neat vodka in the afternoon.

Over the years, I was to meet the Burton’s – who married twice and divorced twice – on many occasions. The last time was backstage at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre in New York in May 1983, when the world’s most famous ex-lovers, who’d by then been apart for seven years, following their second divorce, forged a disastrously ill-judged reunion in Noël Coward’s comedy Private Lives, the story of an ex-husband and wife who encounter each other on their second honeymoons, staying in adjoining rooms at a hotel in the South of France.

This grisly swan song in the tempestuous saga of Liz and Dick – it was to be the last time they would perform together – is brilliantly dramatized in Monday night’s BBC Four TV biopic, Burton and Taylor, in which the legendary couple are recreated with eerie authenticity by two award-winning actors, Helena Bonham Carter and Dominic West. Its writer, William Ivory, who fought a long and painful battle to conquer alcohol addiction, understands his two star protagonists very well, but says: “Burton and Taylor were addicted to more than alcohol. They were addicted to each other.”

Addiction was evident in their first encounter, a year before I witnessed Burton’s display at Heathrow, when he staggered onto the Rome set of Cleopatra, then the most costly screen epic produced, in which Taylor became the first star in Hollywood to command a salary of one million dollars. The film, now in its 50th anniversary year, has been digitally enhanced and was re-released this month in cinemas and on Blu-ray.

At his first meeting with Taylor, Burton turned up drunk. He could barely walk. His hands shook as he tried to sip hot coffee from a cup. Seeing his difficulty, Taylor helped by holding the cup to his lips. She later claimed that in that one simple gesture, a bond was forged between them, and that she found in Burton the same qualities she had loved in her third husband, millionaire producer Mike Todd, who was killed in a plane crash: power, strength, intellect, but also vulnerability.

In Cleopatra, in which Taylor had the title role, Burton played her lover, Mark Antony, a situation that was swiftly duplicated off-screen and developed into a scandal, for both were married – Burton to the former actress Sybil Williams, by whom he had two daughters, the younger of whom was autistic, and Taylor to the singer Eddie Fisher, whom she had annexed from one of America’s screen sweethearts, Debbie Reynolds, bringing widespread condemnation down on her head.

The Vatican denounced Taylor’s affair with Burton as “erotic vagrancy”, but after their marriage in 1964, they became the hottest properties in the movie world, reaching the peak of their careers with the film of Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? in 1966.

As the bitter, erudite couple, George and Martha, who spend the evening trading vicious insults in front of their horrified and fascinated guests, their performances seemed uncomfortably close to their own lives. Both admitted that the film had taken its toll on their relationship, and Taylor confessed that she got “tired of playing Martha” in real life. Her performance won her a second Best Actress Oscar. Burton was nominated but did not win – one of seven nominations that failed to bring him an Oscar.

Burton’s lavish gifts of jewelry to Taylor – the Krupp Diamond, which she wore daily; the pear-shaped Taylor-Burton diamond; and the 50‑carat La Peregrina Pearl – kept the gilded couple in the headlines, but both began to drink more heavily, and to argue increasingly, and no one was very surprised when, after 10 years of marriage, they were divorced in 1974.

If they couldn’t live together, however, it seemed as if they couldn’t live apart. Less than 16 months later, they were remarried, but it lasted only a matter of months before they separated again and there was a second divorce.

In 1983, when Taylor and Burton announced their plan to co-star in a stage revival of Private Lives, both were involved with other people. Burton was with the television production assistant Sally Hay, and Taylor with a Mexican lawyer, Victor Luna – but neither was legally attached, which hugely increased media speculation that they might marry for the third time. The theme of Private Lives – the reunion of divorced partners – added to this impression.

Taylor appeared not even to have read Coward’s play when they began work on it, and came to rehearsals drunk and also clearly the worse for prescription drugs. A staggering $2 million of seats were sold in advance, but both Taylor and Burton, at 51 and 57 respectively, were years too old for the leading roles. The reviews were devastating. One critic compared Taylor’s acting to “the Hitler diaries – you don’t believe it, but you gotta look!”

On the night I saw the play in New York, the audience was dominated by camp contingents of Taylor’s movie fans, who screamed approval of everything she did, causing her frequently to ad-lib and step out of character.

Backstage, Burton seemed depressed and anxious. He told me the decision to work with Taylor again had been “a mistake… it’s been a bloody fiasco”.

Taylor began missing performances. During one of her many absences, Burton and Sally Hay took off for Las Vegas and got married there. Taylor responded by announcing her engagement to Victor Luna, whom she never married. She then collapsed with a respiratory infection and was absent from the production again.

One of Burton’s theatrical mentors, the Shakespearean actor and director Sir Anthony Quayle, was convinced that the strain imposed on Burton by the reunion with Taylor destroyed his failing health. He died from a brain hemorrhage eight months later. When Taylor was informed of his death, she fainted.

Elizabeth Taylor was created a Dame of the British Empire in 2000. After the dissolution of her eighth and final marriage to Larry Fortensky, whom she had met in rehab at the Betty Ford Centre, Taylor did not marry again, although she described her last partner, Jason Winters, as “one of the most wonderful men I’ve ever known”.

The last time I saw her, a year before her death, she was in a wheelchair, but still mentally alert, although she had become reclusive and an element of paranoia had crept into her outlook.

I mentioned her second husband, the English actor Michael Wilding, father of her two sons, who had been a friend of mine. She said sharply: “Please don’t talk about him. He is haunting me.”

“Well, I am sure he would be a friendly ghost,” I replied. “Michael was always a very kind man.”

“I was a fool to marry so often,” she said. “If I had my time over again, I would never do that. The truth is I now don’t give a damn about most of those men. Richard is the only one I truly loved and still care about. I shall miss him until the day I die.”

Snapshot: 24 Photos of Richard Burton and Elizabeth

Taylor’s Romance

Richard Burton (Dominic West) says to ex-wife Dame Elizabeth Taylor (Helena Bonham Carter) in the film Burton and Taylor, “We’re addicts Elizabeth, you and I.” She coyly responds, “Love is not a drug.”

However you want to interpret this line, the two couldn’t stay away from each other, tackling 12 films together, diving head first into two consecutive marriages, resulting in two divorces and still drawn to each other after all of that, taking on one last project.

The made-for-TV film, premiering on BBC America on Wednesday, October 16 at 9/8c, puts a spotlight on the couples’ last performance together in the NYC stage presentation of Private Lives. Coincidentally, or not so coincidentally, the play portrays a divorced couple who have lingering feelings.

This snapshot of 24 photos walks you through their romantic entanglement:

February, 1962. (AP)

1963. (AP)

1963. (AP)

April, 1964. (AP)

April, 1964. (AP)

June, 1964. (AP)

December, 1964. (AP)

January, 1965. (AP)

April, 1967. (AP)

August, 1968. (AP)

August, 1968. (AP)

March, 1969. (AP)

April, 1970. (AP)

August, 1971. (AP)

May, 1972. (AP)

July, 1973. (AP)

March, 1974. (AP)

August, 1975. (AP)

November, 1975. (AP)

No one would guess divorce was looming, just five months down the road, February, 1975. (AP)

After a five-year break, the two reunite at Taylor's 50th birthday, February, 1982. (AP)

The two star opposite each other in Private Lives, playing a divorced couple who reunite, March, 1983. (AP)

Burton passed away the following year on August 5, 1984. (AP)

Taylor says her final goodbye at a memorial service held August 30, 1984. (AP)



the-majestic the-deer-hunter-robert-deniro-1978-c-universal-pictures-courtesy-everett-collection reservoir-dogsamerican-beauty (2) reservoir-dogs full-metal-jacketthe-shawshank-redemption


As the Oscars are coming down on us this Sunday and I prepare to watch with “laughing cow” cheese triangles smeared on crackers and tea, I Will not comment on the posing actresses in their borrowed floor length gowns and dripping diamonds. I will wait to see which movies got an award this year. Yes I like Captain Phillips and The Wolf of Wall street, Leonardo is spectacular and Tom Hanks is spectacular as always. I couldn’t stand the movie “Her” of “Gravity” and moldy enjoyed “Twelve Years a Slave”.” “Gravity” bored me to death-a lot of floating around in space caught on this and that I have yet to see Nebraska or American Hustle.

So the best picture goes to “The Wolf of Wall Street” and I guess the runner is “Captain Phillips” (Phillips can be spelled so many ways,I just picked one-sorry if I am wrong)

Here are the top 50 movie moments of all time, hope you enjoy!

Please check out my previous last three postings as you got no notifications about them-thanks hobo hippie

“if you can pronounce these words”
“Gregory COrso
Hiway america