This Woman Hitchhiked Around the World (And Lived to Tell the Tale) — Thought Catalog


Kristin AddisThe first time it happened haphazardly. I was in my early 20s. A friend and I deplaned at Liberia, a tiny airport in Costa Rica, thinking we could get a bus to our next destination. We emerged from the gate confused and lost, seeing that there were no buses around. Desperation started to well…

via This Woman Hitchhiked Around the World (And Lived to Tell the Tale) — Thought Catalog


About hobo hippie

Hi I am an old hippie, a "beat" poet and novelist, and digital artist. I was co -editor and publisher of "Alpha Beat Press" alpha beat soup, bouillabaisse and cokefish and cokefishing in alpha beat soup with my late husband Dave Christy. My novel "eeenie meenie minee moe is for sale on amazon books. my other blogs are about humor and the weird. The blog is named after a Charlie Chaplin movie. a blog about world art.

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